Childcare Allowance

Childcare Allowance

In Holland there are considerable government rebates available for working families to assist with the costs of childcare.

Through the Dutch Childcare Allowance (or Kinderopvangtoeslag) Dutch tax authorities reimburse a substantial portion of childcare costs, for children aged 0-12 years, where both parents (or a single parent) are working or studying.

Who can claim it?

Almost all parents who are registered in the Netherlands - and hold a BSN (BurgerServiceNummer) - are entitled to the Childcare Allowance when using formal registered childcare.

How much do you get?

The amount you will get back is dependent on your combined gross income and the number of hours you [and your partner] are working/studying. The child care allowance is paid directly to the parents by the tax authorities on a monthly basis.

How can you claim?

You can also apply for the Dutch Childcare Allowance directly via the government’s website

National registration number LRK

To apply for a childcare allowance from the tax authorities, you will need to provide The Little House’s national registration number:

LRK number BSO: 149584908